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Mental Health

Mental Health issues again caught fire after the Actor Sushant Singh Rajput committed Suicide. Before explaining anything let us just know What actually is mental health? Mental health basically includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. 
In past Mental health problems were not counted as a problem. But recently Mental health is considered to be a most common issue among young generation and the adults. 
So now the question arises what are the reasons of the younger generation facing the mental issues. Reasons for this can be many based upon the person's lifestyle and family history .There are still many 
Other reason which lead a person to facing mental issues. 
 1. I really believe society plays an very important role in causing mental isuues to various person . Now let us just take an example If any of you tries to tell you parents about your dreams or we can say u tries to tell about your choices of doing your work , What will be the first thing your parents or realtives would say ....." What society will think". And many pupils are forced to do the work which will fit to the society. The pressure of coping up with the society and and its fixed standard slowly take a happy and mentally strong person to the path of death.
2 Next can qouted as the peer pressure may also leads to unstable mental health. Considering all our friends to be financially strong and leading to happy life affects the person mental health. Person start considering themselves to be useless and blames themselves for all the mishappening in their life.
3. I believe parental pressure also to some extent leads to the mental health disorders.  Some parents keeps on pressuring their children for getting good scores, getting good job , getting married and many more reasons without even thinking about the pressure they are leading to the thir children minds.
4 Some time the problem also arises due to the family history. There are many people who are not having good memories of their childhood.
5. One reason can be the person's own past history such as any women being raped etc .
These all are the some of the reasons which i think leads to mental illness.
I really believe that the Mental health arises due to excessive thinking. Instead of thinking negative one must start thinking positive and if any person feels their environment to be negative or toxic they just need to keep themself in the place with the positive environment. 
I believe parents are the greatest support to their children. Children instead of finding their support outside the family must find it within the family. There is high need for the children to start sharing their problems and mistakes to their parents. For once your mistakes cause disappointment to parents but they will surely find a solution to your mistakes and will keep supporting.
Parents and children relationship need to get stronger both emotionally as well as the mentally. 
Once the family is with you , society's words will stop effecting you.



  1. Mental problems lead to only thing self-satisfaction if the person self-satisfied from the heart then whether he is good earner or not he will live till his last breath.

  2. Exactly, youth like you take out the topics which need crucial attention by people and which need to be controlled with proper medication.... So that no other person could hang himself for death because of lack of proper medication. Good. Keep rising..

    1. πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™Wish mr luckπŸ’ž


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